Dr. Kundan Mehta | DOT 3D Scanning Center, Sangli | 3D / 4D colour doppler | Helical CT - with Robotic Sp for CT guided procedures like Biospy, Root blocks, Ganglionic blocks, Foetal Injection(PainManagement), Drainages etc | Routine X-Rays & Procedures | Exclusive Centre for foetal anamolgy scan, Foetal intervention and ultra sound guided interventional procedures | Bone Biopsy and Spine Biopsy | Organ Biopsy – Liver, Kidney | Superficial or deep seated collections / abscess drainage | Tumor ablation with alcohol in cases like hepatoma, colorectal metastasis |

Dr. Kundan Mehta

DoctorsDr. Kundan Mehta

Dr. Kundan Mehta, MBBS, DMRE

Name :  Dr. Kundan Mehta

Birth Date : 20 March 1986

Qualification & Profession : MBBS, DMRE MD  in  Pulmonology  (Dr. D.Y.Patil   Medical College , Pimpari.) working as Lecturer in Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical college. Consultant radiologist in Apollo diagnostic centre pimpari.

Permanent Address :  Yashwant Housing Society, Behind Anand Nursing Home, Sangli -Miraj Road Miraj – 416410

Phone no:-  Office - +91-0233-2377693   Mobile -  +91-9823014433